Today: February 14, 2025 10:38 pm
A collection of Software and Cloud patterns with a focus on the Enterprise


In spite of the popularity of Let’s Encrypt for generating free SSL/TLS certificates, I think their getting started page stinks. In case you feel the same way, I’ll try to give you a real quick start that will get you to your first certificate. Certificate Authority Let me point out that anyone with Linux (or Docker for that matter) can create a strong SSL/TLS certificate and encrypt their data. No third party is necessary. Where third parties like Comodo, GeoTrust, Verisign and now Let’s Encrypt come in is as Certificate Authorities. Publishers of......

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I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately about batch size and how the choice of batch size impacts software development and release processes. Today I went looking for some other perspectives and I found this post about optimization on the IBM website. The author provides a good summary of the benefits available by decreasing batch sizes in software development. I have been using agile methodologies for quite a long time, and they are much better than the traditional waterfall model. In the latter, all development is done at once, before testing occurs.......

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Often in development or when working on proofs of concept (PoC), I need working SSL to protect an endpoint. If I controlled the domain, I would use Lets Encrypt to generate a certificate. When I don’t control the domain, I often use self signed certificates. Below is how I create them and then use them to create a Secret in kubernetes. Choosing a domain (common name) When I don’t control the domain, that usually means I can’t setup a subdomain with appropriate name resolution for my project. In this case I use a......

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Introduction Kubernetes (also written k8s) is a powerful container orchestration platform that works with Docker. This first video provides a high level explanation of how kubernetes differs from traditional application deployment and infrastructure management. Overview A kubernetes cluster is made up of masters and nodes. The masters are responsible for orchestration and the nodes host the orchestrated containers. In addition to orchestrating containers, it is helpful to have a gateway to route traffic through the cluster and a persistent storage mechanism. While these last two components aren’t strictly part of kubernetes, I consider......

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kubernetes overview

Kubernetes is getting a lot of attention recently, and there is good reason for that. Docker containers alone are little more than a developer convenience. Orchestration moves containers from laptop into the datacenter. Kubernetes does that in a way that simplifies development and operations. Unfortunately I struggled to find easy to understand high level descriptions of how kubernetes worked, so I made the diagram below. Operations While I don’t show the operator specifically (usually someone in IT, or a managed offering like GKE), everything in the yellow box would be managed by the......

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IT General Controls: Infrastructure vs Routing

IT general controls are important for various reasons, such as business continuity and regulatory compliance. Traditionally, controls have focused on the infrastructure itself. In the context of long running servers in fixed locations, this was often an effective approach. As virtualization and container technologies become more prevalent, especially in public cloud, infrastructure focused IT controls can start to get in the way of realizing the following benefits: Just in time provisioning Workload migration Network isolation Tight capacity management DevOps Automated deployments Automated remediation One way to maintain strong IT controls can still get......

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Focus on Activities and Outcomes, not Procedures and Tools

Vendor and tool selection is often a complicated process for an enterprise. In the worst cases, the evaluation of tools, vendors and other technology solutions turns into a debate about tools, features and procedures. Why is this a problem? It’s that these debates too often fail to identify and measure against the outcomes that will benefit the business and the activities that will produce those outcomes. What is an Outcome An outcome is simply an end state or deliverable. The end state or deliverable is usually defined by the business and, if achieved,......

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I’ve recently had many conversations related to developer productivity. In order for a developer to be productive, he must have control over enough of the application lifecycle to complete his work. When a developer gets stuck at any point in the application lifecycle, his productivity drops, which can often reduce morale too. One question I’ve been asking is: how much of the application lifecycle needs to fall under the scope of the developer? In other words, how broad is the scope of the application lifecycle that needs to be available to a developer......

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Infrastructure as Code

One of the most significant enablers of IT and software automation has been the shift away from fixed infrastructure to flexible infrastructure. Virtualization, process isolation, resource sharing and other forms of flexible infrastructure have been in use for many decades in IT systems. It can be seen in early Unix systems, Java application servers and even in common tools such as Apache and IIS in the form of virtual hosts. If flexible infrastructure has been a part of technology practice for so long, why is it getting so much buzz now? Infrastructure as......

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I found this article on serverwatch today: It’s not technically deep, but it does highlight the groundswell of interest for and adoption of kubernetes. It’s also worth noting that GCE and Azure will now both have a native, fully managed kubernetes offering. I haven’t found a fully managed docker datacenter offering, but I’m sure there is one. It would be interesting to compare the two from a public cloud offering perspective. I’ve worked a lot with OpenStack for on premises clouds. This naturally leads to the idea of using OpenStack as a......

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