Today: January 15, 2025 1:51 am
A collection of Software and Cloud patterns with a focus on the Enterprise

Tag: wordpress plugin licensing

In the current series of articles I’ve been talking about development of a system to enable premium wordpress plugins to be protected by licenses. While working on the design and going through a brain storming session yesterday with a colleague I had two small realizations. The first is that from the beginning I have planned to keep the WordPress coupling separate from the main licensing API. In fact, I haven’t planned to include any WordPress specific or shopcart type features in the API. This provides me with some benefits. One is that it......

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Wordpress plugin licensing: Wicket on Google App Engine

For the user interface layer of the licensing system I was interested in using a framework like Wicket. It was a lot of work to setup. The process was made somewhat frustrating by the fact that most of Google’s results are a few years old and deal with older versions. I did finally get it working and here’s the process. Other articles take the default Google App Engine project and modify it to accommodate wicket. I decided to go the other direction and start with the wicket quickstart. This is the process I......

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WordPress plugin licensing: API and class diagram

In the first article in this series, I sketched out some of the basic design ideas for the wordpress plugin licensing system. The next step is to come up with some more concrete details about how the application will work, what information it will manage and what the interfaces will look like when accessing it. I really like using the UML as I flesh out a design. In particular I find the class diagram and activity diagram useful. I frequently make use of stereotypes to extend the meaning of my classes. I’m not......

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How frameworks came to be Engineers have a few potentially conflicting tendencies that can become very pronounced in the software they write. One tendency is that we’re empire builders. In other words, we build, enhance, improve and in other ways expand the scope of our software solutions over time. Not to mention that we want our solution to be accepted, embraced and adored as the best possible solution for the problem we set out to solve. The result of this tendency can be seen in the ever growing, ever more complex frameworks available......

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WordPress plugin licensing: Setup Eclipse for Google App Engine development

Having chosen Google App Engine and Java as the target for initial development it’s time to setup a development environment. Google provides a plugin to Eclipse that makes this easy. They do a great job explaining how to setup the environment at this URL: Setup problems One hang up I had was an error when first trying to install the plugin in eclipse. It complained about “An error occurred while collecting items to be installed”. Several files came back saying “Unable to read repository” and “Read timed out”. It was possible to......

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WordPress plugin licensing: Google App Engine vs. Amazon EC2

In the introduction to this series, I outlined some of the requirements for the WordPress plugin licensing platform: Speed, reliability and scalability. These are critical. Just imagine what would happen if any of those were missing. Requirements Justification A slow platform might result in significantly fewer sales. One of our use cases is to provide a free, limited time trial, and poor performance when installing or using a plugin would almost certainly decrease sales conversions. Reliability issues would, at a minimum, reduce developer confidence when coupling a new plugin to the licensing platform.......

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