Today: September 13, 2024 1:51 pm
A collection of Software and Cloud patterns with a focus on the Enterprise

Tag: security

AI and Machine Learning (ML) can be a real boost for many companies, especially those with a lot of accumulated data from years of operation. AI platforms are getting easier to use without having data scientists on staff, while at the same time data lifecycle patterns are well established. Most of these AI platforms target cloud based use cases, which leads to the question: What do you do if the data needs to stay on premise? Patterns The illustration below shows a few common approaches to using AI. Something that may be less......

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I frequently hear people talk about unit tests when they actually mean something else. In some cases, I would think it was pedantic to argue about the specific meaning of a term like unittest, but in this case I think it often works against the Software Developer to use the term incorrectly. Below I provide a short list with descriptions to explain some useful testing concepts. Unit test It’s important to be clear on what “unit” means It means a function/method or class It does not mean database, SaaS, filesystem or any other......

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Self-service access control in kubernetes

One of the most significant benefits of containers is that they empower a software engineer to explore technologies and infrastructure decisions quickly. Containers make it possible for a developer to try on new technologies and platforms and consider infrastructure decisions without a long approval and requisition process. It also reduces cost significantly, since many containers can run on a developer laptop. Access control and management of Kubernetes introduces a potential roadblock to this agile aspect of container-centric development. As a result, I put a lot of thought into how to provide easy, fast,......

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Often in development or when working on proofs of concept (PoC), I need working SSL to protect an endpoint. If I controlled the domain, I would use Lets Encrypt to generate a certificate. When I don’t control the domain, I often use self signed certificates. Below is how I create them and then use them to create a Secret in kubernetes. Choosing a domain (common name) When I don’t control the domain, that usually means I can’t setup a subdomain with appropriate name resolution for my project. In this case I use a......

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May applications require authentication to secure protected resources. While standards like oAuth accommodate sharing resources between applications, more variance exists in implementations of securing the app in the first place. A recent standard, JWT, provides a mechanism for creating tokens with embedded data, signing these tokens and even encrypting them when warranted. This post explores how individual resource functions can be protected using JWT. The solution involves first creating a function decorator to perform the authentication step. Each protected resource call is then decorated with the authentication function and subsequent authorization can be......

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I’m interested in allowing a user to register on my site/app using their social account credentials (e.g. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). It should also be possible to register using an email address. Since the site/app will be composed of a handful of microservices, I would want to provide my own identity service, which might includes profile information and roles. This should be possible with oAuth. I found plenty of examples of how to use oAuth against someone’s social accounts. What I didn’t find were any examples of how to manage user registration and......

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The Road to PaaS

I have observed that discussions about CloudFoundry often lack accurate context. Some questions I get that indicate context is missing include: What Java version does CloudFoundry support? What database products/versions are available How can I access the server directly? There are a few reasons that the questions above are not relevant for CloudFoundry (or any modern PaaS environment). To understand why, it’s important to understand how we got to PaaS and where we came from. Landscape When computers were first becoming a common requirement for the enterprise, most applications were monolithic. All applicaiton......

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The most strikingly different characteristic of Docker, when compared to other deployment platforms, is the single responsibility per container Design (although some see it differently). One reason this looks so different is that many application developers view the complete software stack on which they deploy as a collection of components on a single logical server. For developers of larger applications, who already have experience deploying distributed stacks, the security and configuration complexity of Docker may feel more familiar. Docker brings a fresh approach to distributed stacks; one that may seem overly complex for......

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10gen offers a subscriber build of MongoDB which includes support for SSL communication between nodes in a replicaset and between client and mongod. If the cost of a service subscription is prohibitive, it is possible to build it with SSL enabled. After download, I followed the process below to get it running. For a permanent solution, more attention should be given to where these are installed and how upgrades are handled. $ tar xzvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-subscription-rhel62-2.2.3.tgz $ cp mongodb-linux-x86_64-subscription-rhel62-2.2.3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/$ tar xzvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-subscription-rhel62-2.2.3.tgz $ cp mongodb-linux-x86_64-subscription-rhel62-2.2.3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ Next, it’s necessary to provide an SSL......

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Authentication in MongoDB provides ‘normal’, which is full read and write, or ‘readonly’ access at a database level. There are two scenarios when authentication comes into play: single server and multi-server. When using a single server, authentication can be enabled but adding --auth to the startup parameters. When using a replicaset, sharded setup or combination, a key file must be provided and the --keyFile parameter used at startup. This enables each node to communicate with other nodes using a nonce scheme based on the keyFile. In this configuration, --auth is implied and the......

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