All around me architects and business managers are beginning to mandate that internal software applications be built (and sometimes rebuilt) as microservices so that we can reuse them and compose applications more quickly. I do admit that the idea of a curated catalog of well designed microservices is attractive. Contrary to all the buzz that this is a new approach and will produce huge efficiencies, there is a lot of history that points to serious barriers to a microservice economy. Microservices are Not New What is being referred to as microservices today is......
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This post is an extension of Managed services in CloudFoundry and follows the discussion of external services integration. The echo service and python service broker implementation are deployed using the documented procedure for Stackato. If necessary, you can get a Stackato instance up and running quickly. The result should be two apps deployed as shown below. Optional validation It is possible to validate that the deployed apps work as expected. The curl commands below validate the echo service is working properly. watrous@watrous-helion:~$ curl -X PUT -w "\n" {"instance_id": "51897770-560b-11e4-b75a-9ad2017223a9", "dashboard_url": "http://localhost:8090/dashboard/51897770-560b-11e4-b75a-9ad2017223a9", "state":......
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This post builds on the discussion of Managed Services in CloudFoundry and covers the first of the two methods for using unmanaged services in CloudFoundry. It makes use of the Python echo service and Python service broker API implementation used previously. Manually provision the service This method assumes that an existing service has been provisioned outside of CloudFoundry. An instance of the echo service can be manually provisioned using cURL using the following commands. In this example, a new instance is provisioned with the id user-service-instance and bound to an app with id......
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CloudFoundry defines a Service Broker API which can be implemented and added to a CloudFoundry installation to provide managed services for apps. In order to better understand the way managed services are created and integrated with CloudFoundry (and derivative technologies like Stackato and HP Helion Development Platform), I created an example service and implemented the Service Broker API to manage it. The code for both implementations are on github. Deploy the services For this exercise I deployed bosh-lite on my Windows 7 laptop. I then follow the documented procedure to push......
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CloudFoundry, Stackato and Helion Development Platform accommodate (and encourage) external services for persistent application needs. The types of services include relational databases, like MySQL or PostgreSQL, NoSQL datastores, like MongoDB, messaging services like RabbitMQ and even cache technologies like Redis and Memcached. In each case, connection details, such as a URL, PORT and credentials, are maintained by the cloud controller and injected into the environment of new application instances. Injection It’s important to understand that regardless of how the cloud controller receives details about the service, the process of getting those details to......
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