Do Humans or Machines consume IaaS (REST API)

Infrastructure as a Service, like OpenStack and AWS, have made it possible to consume infrastructure on demand. It’s important to understand the ways in which both humans and machines interact with IaaS offerings in order to design optimal systems that leverage all possible automation opportunities. I drew the diagram below to help illustrate.
Everything is an API
At the heart of IaaS are REST APIs that provide granular access to every resource type, such as compute, storage and network. These APIs provide clarity about which resources are being managed and accommodate the type of independent evolution of each resource offering that keeps responsibilities focused. APIs include things like Nova for compute on the OpenStack side and EC2 for compute on the AWS side. Other IaaS providers have similar APIs with similar delineations between resource types.
Consume the API RAW
Since REST today is typically done over HTTP and makes use of the HTTP methods and response codes, it is relatively straight forward to use a tool such as curl, fiddler or a REST client to craft individual calls to APIs. This works fine for humans who want to understand the APIs better, but it is slow and doesn’t scale well. Machines (by way of software, obviously) can make those same calls using HTTP request libraries (e.g. python requests, Go http package, Java URLConnection, etc.).
After a couple of hours sending raw requests against the IaaS REST APIs, you’ll be thrilled to know that there are well designed abstractions that provide a more friendly interface to IaaS. The openstack Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to operate against openstack APIs by typing concise commands at a shell prompt. The Horizon web console provides a web based user experience to manage those same resources. In both cases, the CLI and Horizon console are simply translating your commands or clicks into sequences of REST API calls. This means the ultimate interaction with IaaS is still based on the REST API, but you, the human, have a more human like interface.
Since machines don’t like to type on a keyboard or click on web pages, it makes sense to have abstractions for them too. The machines I’m talking about are the ones we ask to automatically test our code, deploy our software, monitor and scale and heal our applications. For them, we have other abscrations, such including HEAT and terraform. This allows us to provide the machine with a plain text description (often in YAML or similar markup), of what we want our infrastructure to look like. These orchestration tools then analyze the current state of our infrastructure and decide whether any actions are necessary. They then translate those actions into REST API calls, just like the CLI and Horizon panel did for the human. So again, all interaction with IaaS happens by way of the REST API, but the machine too gets an abstraction that humans can craft and read.
Automation is the end goal
Whichever method you pursue, the end goal is to automate as many of the IaaS interactions as possible. The more the machine can do without human interaction, the more time humans have to design the software running on top of IaaS and the more resilient the end system will be to failures and fluctuations. If you find yourself using the human abstractions more than telling machines what to do by way of infrastructure definitions, you have a great opportunity to change and gain some efficiency.