A few days ago I wrote about how to structure version details in MongoDB. In this and subsequent articles I’m going to present a Java based approach to working with that revision data. I have published all this work as an open source repository on github. Feel free to fork it: https://github.com/dwatrous/mongodb-revision-objects Design Decisions To begin with, here are a few design rules that should direct the implementation: Program to interfaces. Choice of datastore or other technologies should not be visible in application code Application code should never deal with versioned objects. It......
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The need to track changes to web content and provide for draft or preview functionality is common to many web applications today. In relational databases it has long been common to accomplish this using a recursive relationship within a single table or by splitting the table out and storing version details in a secondary table. I’ve recently been exploring the best way to accomplish this using MongoDB. A few design considerations Data will be represented in three primary states, published, draft and history. These might also be called current and preview. From a......
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