I’m interested in allowing a user to register on my site/app using their social account credentials (e.g. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). It should also be possible to register using an email address. Since the site/app will be composed of a handful of microservices, I would want to provide my own identity service, which might includes profile information and roles. This should be possible with oAuth. I found plenty of examples of how to use oAuth against someone’s social accounts. What I didn’t find were any examples of how to manage user registration and......
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All around me architects and business managers are beginning to mandate that internal software applications be built (and sometimes rebuilt) as microservices so that we can reuse them and compose applications more quickly. I do admit that the idea of a curated catalog of well designed microservices is attractive. Contrary to all the buzz that this is a new approach and will produce huge efficiencies, there is a lot of history that points to serious barriers to a microservice economy. Microservices are Not New What is being referred to as microservices today is......
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