Today: February 14, 2025 9:42 pm
A collection of Software and Cloud patterns with a focus on the Enterprise

Tag: code reuse

All around me architects and business managers are beginning to mandate that internal software applications be built (and sometimes rebuilt) as microservices so that we can reuse them and compose applications more quickly. I do admit that the idea of a curated catalog of well designed microservices is attractive. Contrary to all the buzz that this is a new approach and will produce huge efficiencies, there is a lot of history that points to serious barriers to a microservice economy. Microservices are Not New What is being referred to as microservices today is......

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Last week I spent way too much time integrating Apache Wicket and Google Guice. Yikes! The most difficult part for me was getting the initialization to happen in the right order. A big Thank You to Dan Retzlaff on the Wicket list for helping work through these details. The details below were applied to a Wicket quickstart project for Wicket 6.0.0. Design Decisions It was important to me to keep the application tier separate from web tier. I actually maintain each in a separate repository. I have several motivations for this, such as:......

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The information below was delivered to one of my programmers as direction for how to implement a rather big change in an existing software product that I sell. I thought it was potentially useful to a broader audience, so I’m posting it here: …The rest of this is rather complicated to explain online. I’ll do my best. I’m going to look at this in a simplistic way and let you work through the details. First imagine that we have an processing class based largely on their API. class AuthnetProcessAIMPayment { protected $apiKey;......

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My initial perception of wicket panels was that they were like includes. This naturally lends itself to header, footer and style content that will be the same throughout a web application and avoids duplicating code. It seems wicket panels are more widely used than I first expected. For example, I keep seeing examples of a very lightweight page where panels represent the majority of the content too. This is a more segmented approach than I have seen in the past, and I can see some benefits and drawbacks to it. Based on other......

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