I’ve been sneaking up on CloudFoundry for a few weeks now. Each time I try to get a CloudFoundry test environment going I find a couple more technologies that serve either as foundation or support to CloudFoundry. For example, Vagrant, Ansible and Docker all feed into CloudFoundry. Today I come to OpenStack, by way of DevStack (see resources below for more links). Objectives My objectives for this post are get OpenStack up and running by way of DevStack so that I can begin to explore the OpenStack API. CloudFoundry uses the OpenStack API......
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Last week I wrote about Vagrant, a fantastic tool to spin up virtual development environments. Today I’m exploring Ansible. Ansible is an open source tool which streamlines certain system administration activities. Unlike Vagrant, which provisions new machines, Ansible takes an already provisioned machine and configures it. This can include installing and configuring software, managing services, and even running simple commands. Ansible doesn’t require any agent software to be installed on the system being managed. Everything is executed over SSH. Ansible only runs on Linux (though I’ve heard of people running it in cygwin......
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